Edge Logistics & Transport, Inc. - Small Parcel Receiving Warehouse

Many US companies offer free shipping within the United States. In order to help the Canadian consumers avoid the additional shipping cost and longer waiting times for international shipments we are pleased to offer our warehouse as a parcel receiving address. Edge Logistics & Transport, Inc. also is able to receive and hold your shipment, for those times when you will be out of town or unavailable to receive your shipment.

With 5 dock doors and forklifts, we are set up to receive shipments of all sizes. Many of our direct competitors can only receive small packages. With over 20 thousand square feet of warehouse, we are able to accommodate whatever the commodity may be or size of your shipment. For a minimal fee, Canadian customers can recover their parcels/shipments Monday through Friday.


Trusted & Committed to Service Since 2002

Edge Logistics & Transport Inc, Transportation Services, Blaine, WA

TSA Certified Drivers

canadian bonded

Canadian Bonded Carrier